When the New Yorker came after CCV

A message from Center for Christian Virtue President Aaron Baer

A pastor once told me that the closer you get to the target, the heavier the fire comes from your opponents. 

As Center for Christian Virtue has grown, and, by the grace of God, as we’ve been able to have a larger impact, we’ve certainly found this to be true. 

It’s not every day that the attacks and misinformation come from one of the largest leftist publications in the country, let alone two of them. But that’s what happened last week. 

First, from The Nation:

Then the New Yorker published an 8,000-word doozy of an article:

The New Yorker complains about CCV becoming “one of the premier lobbying forces in Ohio” and how we “command unusual influence.”

While we’re flattered by the compliments, the reality is, the influence CCV has garnered lies in the fact that we engage in the public policy conversation with excellence and integrity, and we empower people like you to have a voice in the process. That’s how the Heartbeat Bill became law, and it’s how the Backpack Bill will pass as well. 

If I spent my days responding to every attack and piece of misinformation about CCV and why Christians care so deeply about the future of our state and nation, I wouldn’t have time to sleep. 

Yet this New Yorker article was especially packed full of mischaracterizations, manipulations, and flat out lies, that CCV’s Policy Director and Co-Host of The Narrative Podcast David Mahan and I decided to record a special bonus podcast debunking the article. 

Click the picture below to check it out!

My friend, no matter the attacks from the press and the left, CCV will never stop fighting for life, family, freedom. We can’t be cancelled, because our hope doesn’t lie in being the most popular, but in God’s beautiful promises of love and salvation. 

We do this work, because like you, we want to preserve the American promise today and tomorrow. And I want to ask if you are committed to stand fast, no matter what comes, that you make a donation to support this mission today. 


Standing strong,

Aaron Baer


Center for Christian Virtue

Center for Christian Virtue

As Ohio’s largest Christian public policy organization, Center for Christian Virtue seeks the good of our neighbors by advocating for public policy that reflects the truth of the Gospel.


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